Nov 9, 2018
This is a recording from a previously released broadcast
in honor of Healthy Skin Month
"Aging Successfully Not Helplessly"- Dr. Doris Day
How do we age successfully today?
By taking advantage of all the exciting advances in skincare.
Leading Dermatolgist and NY media personality Dr. Doris Day shares her tips...
Nov 2, 2018
From a previously released episode.
Derm Diva, New York Board Certified Dermatologist Dr. Hedi Waldorf discusses how beauty and healthy skin is a lifestyle.
Dr. Waldorf is a board certified...
Sep 3, 2018
"Our Breasts Hold Feelings: Unconditional love, we trust life, and we're sensual"
Girls are not taught about breast care and breast health.
Breasts are complicated. We need to become friends with out breasts.
How often do we consider our breast health?
In Episode #5 Dr. Colleen Hathaway shares her expertise...
Apr 9, 2017
Being told you have breast cancer is a life changing event. Many women are choosing to have a double mastecomy even if their other breast is clear of cancer. Why are so many woman making this life changing decison? Internationally Board Certified Reconstruction Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Karen Horton disusses the rise in...
May 25, 2016
The Anti-Aging Prescription for Men and Women with Guest Andre Berger, MD.
Clean-up Your Dirty Soup.
Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Expert, Dr. Andre Berger uncovers some of the causes of aging
Understand your genetic risk.
Dr. Berger will also discuss the role of male hormones and the reality of Male Andropause.