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The NipTuck Talk Show: Honest Talk about Beauty, Self Love, Plastic Surgery and Aging

Welcome to the Nip/Tuck Talk Show

Honest Talk about Beauty, Self-Love & Plastic Surgery

Join host Michele Garber,  Founder of The NipTuck Coach, a  Plastic Surgery Coach and patient advocate explore all aspects of beauty, plastic surgery and aging. Straight talk. 

Be Beautiful Not Botched.

 If you'd like to be considered as a guest, please contact me: Subject: GUEST

Launching again Summer 2021.

Thank you for being part of our podcast community.

Stay in Touch With Us

Michele Garber

Host and Producer

NipTuck Coach

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  

Now on Clubhouse @niptuckcoach




Sep 3, 2018

"Our Breasts Hold Feelings: Unconditional love, we trust life, and we're sensual" 

Girls are not taught about breast care and breast health.

Breasts are complicated. We need to become friends with out breasts.

How often do we consider our breast health?

In Episode #5 Dr. Colleen Hathaway shares her expertise...