Jul 19, 2018
There are so many Breast Implant materials to choose from. What is the right implant for you?
New York Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Brian Cohen shares his expertise about choosing the right breast implants with host Michele Garber, The NipTuck Coach.
The trend in breast implants today is smaller and natural. According Dr....
Jul 17, 2018
Boob Talk with Michele Garber.
We'll cover many subjects about breasts including, how to choose a surgeon, choosing implants, lift or no lift, Saline vs Silicone, New technologies, explants, risks and recovery, plus more.
Listen to the top plastic surgeons with expertise in Breast Augmentation and Reconstructive...
Jul 9, 2018
New Series: Boob Talk Episode #1
Do I really need a lift with my breast augmentation?
Part 1: Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc Mani shares his expertise about breast augmentations and discusses the question of having a lift with your implants or not.
Sometimes there are complications to breast augmentation. A...