Nov 19, 2015
This is a 2-part interview recorded live at 2015 The American Academy of Dermatology Meeting in San Francisco, featuring Dermatologists Drs Mary Lupo from New Orleans and Jeanette Graf from New York.
Part 1
"Taking care of your skin and making it agin slower is very analogous to a fitness routine. If you start to walk you will look better- if you walk and use weights you'll look more better. The more modalities you add the better the results. If you use sunscreen you'll look better..." - Dr. Mary Lupo
Part 2 - Dr. Graf shares her expertise on a holistic approach to healthy skin from the inside out.
Dr. Graf's biggest tips for for aging gracefully after 40 is to drink lots of water with lemon, take vitamins, breath and have joy.
"Joy is proactive, you being creative. Creativity is important that it gives you energy to find the thing you love to do." -Dr. Jeanette Graf
Dr. Jeanette Graf @ask_drgraf Dr. Mary Lupo @DrLupo