Aug 9, 2018
Are You Demanding Enough From Your Plastic Surgeon?
Teitelbaum is guided by principles of proportion and restraint, and he produces astonishingly natural looking results.
Santa Monica Board certified plastic surgeon Steven Teitelbaum, MD talks with Host, Michele Garber sharing his expertise and wisdom about why patients should be demanding more from their plastic surgeons when seeking breast augmentation.
According to Dr. Teitelbaum there have been many advances over the past 15-20 years in breast augmentation surgery that plastic surgeons are still not following. Why? Breast augmentation could be a lot safer, less revisions, less downtime and less pain.
Too many plastic surgeons don't care about how a woman will look with her implants in 4-5 years.
Dr. Teitelbaum is currently using nerve blocks for pain which gives the patient a much better recovery with significantly less pain.
Patients should be asking a lot more questions when thinking about any plastic surgery procedure.
We also talk about cup size in relationship to implant size and a patient's body. Everyone is different and when considering implants its important to have the proper measurements.
Although you may be thinking about big implants, think twice and consider that big implants can permanently cause damage to your breasts, sometimes this is irreversible. Women should be educated to understand that having 600-650cc and more is really not a wise choice. Not only does it look fake, it's unhealthy. However, there are expectations based on a woman's body type and height. Our national breast tissue was not meant to be stretched that much. Something to really think about when you are considering breast implants.
Ask your surgeon if he or she is comfortable with all types of breast implants including tear-drop shape which takes more skill.
Patient should look at evidence based literature to learn about breast augmentation not opinion based.
And we talk about a lot more...
Contact Teitelbaum, MD