Sep 15, 2017
Weed and Plastic Surgery ... what do they have in common??
A pre-recorded live episode from the NCIA Cannabis and Business Expo in Oakland, CA
Join host Michele Garber in an informative episode about how medical cannabis can you with pain, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disorders and pre and post-op plastic...
Jun 13, 2017
Many women opt for tummy tucks. After the surgery they are excited to show off their new bodies. However, sometimes the scar is placed to high or it does not heal well.
Tune in to hear how one woman solved the ugly tummy tuck scar problem.
Denise O'Connell is the Founder of TuckTats, and lives in Canada.
Denise had...
Apr 9, 2017
Being told you have breast cancer is a life changing event. Many women are choosing to have a double mastecomy even if their other breast is clear of cancer. Why are so many woman making this life changing decison? Internationally Board Certified Reconstruction Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Karen Horton disusses the rise in...